Find a selection of helpful university policies for communicators.
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a massive organization governed by many, many different policies that are managed by numerous units. There is no single, central directory of university policies and practices. But we have assembled this selected directory for some of the most important and most often consulted policies among our communications and marketing community.
Critical University Policies for Communicators
- Expressive activity on campus: Campus Administrative Manual policy outlining policies and practices across a very wide range of activities related to freedom of speech and expression, protest and assembly on our campus. This is an extensive policy and includes information about gatherings on the Quad, near Alma Mater, information about posting materials on bulletin boards, chalking sidewalks, distribution of printed materials and many other commonly asked questions.
- Freedom of Information Act: CAM policy governing university employee responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act. FOIA responses are coordinated by the University System Office of External Relations and Communications, which maintains detailed guidance about FOIA processes.
- Digital Accessibility: CAM policy governing university responsibilities to ensure that people with disabilities are afforded equal access to its programs, services and resources, including materials using multimedia and related technologies.
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: Policy governing university practices to protect student privacy rights related to their educational record.
Frequently Consulted Policies
- Access to and use of Illinois Image Database: Guidelines for obtaining access to the Illinois Image Database maintained by Strategic Communications and Marketing for faculty and staff use.
- Access to and use of Campus Stock Video Database: Guidelines for obtaining access to the Campus Stock Video Database maintained by the StratCom for faculty and staff use.
- Obtaining individual permission for promotional photo and video: Guidelines and forms for obtaining permission to use an individual’s image or likeness.
- Standards for printed stationery materials: CAM policy establishing standard design format for stationery materials. Unit stationery production is managed by the Illini Union Document Services.
- Use of Webtools by university faculty and staff: Guidelines for using Webtools application suite of communication tools for university faculty and staff.
- Verified Illinois social media accounts: Guidelines and process for social media accounts to be formally recognized as official university accounts.
- Social media comment policy: This comment policy pertains to the main social media accounts for the university managed by StratCom and verified Illinois social media accounts.
- Vexilla banners: Vexilla is centrally managed by StratCom.
- Social media account security: CAM policy governing security rules for campus-level social media accounts. While this policy does not govern department, unit or work-related faculty and staff social media accounts, the recommendations can be applied to these accounts and do provide significant protection.
- Prohibition of use of the university seal without approval by board of trustees: Policy of the board of trustees governing the very limited use of the university seal.
Policies Related to Names, Logos, Identity and Interactions with External Groups
- University name image or logos: CAM policy for requests for use of our name or of the campus as a location for film or advertisement as well as requests for use of our logos by external organizations.
- Urbana-Champaign campus designation: CAM policy designating the official use of our campus name and practices to distinguish between our campus and the University of Illinois System. This is where you find the official guidance that “UIUC” is not an acceptable official reference in our print and digital publications.
- Testimonials by university employees or representatives: CAM policy providing guidance to ensure integrity and avoid conflicts of interest in employee testimonials for commercial products and services.
- Sponsorships and advertising in campus publications: CAM policy establishing standards for accepting and acknowledging sponsorships and advertising in campus publications.
- Communication with government officials and agencies: CAM policy outlining rules and process for individual and unit communications with elected officials or local, state and federal government agencies.
Policies Related to Name, Image, Likeness and Privacy Issues
- Utilizing student athletes in promotional and marketing materials: There are a lot of complicated NCAA compliance rules and policies for the protection of our student athletes. If you want to feature one of our student athletes in your promotional materials, you should contact the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Office of Compliance for advice.
- Use of animals in promotional photography or videography: This policy governs use of images and videos of university-housed animals and also images and video obtained in university research facilities. There are a large number of state and federal rules and regulations that the university must follow for the protection of animals in our care. Violation of these rules by individuals or units can have significant negative impacts on our campus research practices.
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: Policy governing university practices to protect the privacy and security of an individual’s health information.
Policies Related to Places and Activities
- Aerial activities over, on or in campus property: CAM policy governing aerial activities. If you have questions about using drones on campus, this is the policy you want.
- Commemorative plaques for plantings, objects and interior spaces: CAM policy explaining processes and rules for putting up plaques on university property to honor individuals for their service or contributions.
- Limited use and reservation of the university Quad: CAM policy governing when and how units may reserve space on the Quad for events.
- Naming campus facilities, programs, projects and existing units for distinguished individuals and donors: CAM policy governing how programs, facilities and projects can be named in honor of friends or donors.
- Raffles on university premises and at university facilities: CAM policy governing when, if and how raffles may be conducted by university organizations.
Other Important Campus/University Policy Sources:
- Campus Administrative Manual: The CAM is one of several key policy manuals for the administrative operations of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. From policies governing the scattering of human remains to how we name buildings, if you’re wondering if we have a policy on an issue, searching the CAM is a very good start.
- Student Code: Collection of rules, regulations, policies and procedures for undergraduate, graduate and professional students. This is maintained by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
- University Code of Conduct: Maintained by the University Ethics and Compliance Office, the Code of Conduct establishes guidelines for professional conduct by employees acting on behalf of the university.
- Statutes of the University of Illinois: This is the fundamental “constitution” of the entire university and maintained by the Office of the Board of Trustees. The statutes are the source of authority for all of the policies and procedures across the entire University of Illinois System.
- Bylaws of the Senate of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: These are the bylaws outlining the authority, responsibilities and operating procedures of our campus Senate — the elected body responsible for our shared governance process.