Sign off your email with an Illinois-branded signature.

An email signature is a tool to share our basic contact information — and more importantly, let our recipients know we are connected to and communicating on behalf of Illinois. Our templates help standardize email signatures throughout the university and better tie them to the Illinois brand.
For Illinois faculty and staff, we advise you to follow our template and suggested customizations as they are designed. Check to make sure your college, department and unit name are written correctly (for example, include the full name of your donor-named college, if applicable).
Generate Your Email Signature
The email signature generator can be found in the Webtools directory. This tool allows you to simply copy and paste an appropriately formatted email signature into your email client. This tool is only available for faculty and staff.
To generate your email signature using Webtools and apply it to your email client, follow these steps:
- Visit and log in using your NetID.
- Hover over “More” in the top right-hand corner.
- Click “Directory.”
- You will see a list of all of the directory entries you have editor access to. Select your own by clicking your blue, hyperlinked email. Click on the “View” button in the top right to see your details.
- Select “Signature” from the menu.
- On the Email Signature Generation page, you will notice the information from your directory listing has been autofilled for your convenience. You are free to make any corrections or changes to this information.
- Once you are satisfied with your information, click the “Generate Signature” button.
- After this, “Select” the text in the box and copy and paste your new signature into your email client’s email signature settings.
- Test that the wordmark in your signature has the correct alt-text for screen readers. To do this, right-click on the wordmark, select “Edit Alt-Text” and ensure that the alt-text reads as “University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign home.”
Graduate Student Email Signature
Graduate students or other audiences who don’t have access to the email signature generator can copy the template email signature below, paste it into their email client and update with their own information. Make sure to paste using “destination styles” to ensure it copies correctly.
Position title
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Unit title
Department title
Address line 1 | M/C XXX
City, State, Zip Code

Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.
Unique Circumstances and Customization
If your signature has special circumstances or customization needs the generator cannot meet, use our suggestions below for the best ways to integrate your customizations.
Only university department and unit-affiliated social media accounts may be included in email signatures. If you are uncertain whether you are able to list a social media account, refer to the campus social media listing.
Make it more concise
You may use the “|” (vertical) line to combine related elements to make your signature appear more concise. Elements like two-unit names, a unit name and the full university name or street address, city, state, zip, etc., can be combined using this method.

Add your pronouns
If you would like to add your personal pronouns to your signature, you may do so by including them in parenthesis next to your name and separated by commas.

Multiple roles with one location
In this circumstance, the generator will create the email signature below. Each role will be grouped with the title, unit and web address and separated by a vertical space.

Roles with multiple locations
If you have multiple roles with separate locations, you will need to create two separate email signatures. You can store both of these signatures within your email client and select the appropriate signature for the circumstance.

Add Your Signature to Your Email Client
Directions for Outlook on PC
- Start by selecting and copying your generated email signature by pressing Cmd-C/Ctrl-C.
- Open Outlook on your computer. In Outlook, click “New Email.” In your new email, click “Signature” in the toolbar. From the dropdown menu, select “Signatures …” If you are creating a new signature, click the “New” button. If you are editing an existing signature, select it from the menu. Paste your new signature in the window by pressing Ctrl-V. Do not modify or resize the logo once you’ve pasted it. If you need to make a correction, return to the Email Signature Tool to create a new one.
- If you would like your new signature to be your default, use the “Choose default signature” option in the top right corner of the dialog box. If you prefer to add your signature as needed, use the “Signatures” button and select it from the menu. Click “OK” to save.
Directions for Outlook on Mac
- Start by selecting and copying your generated email signature by pressing Cmd-C/Ctrl-C.
- Open Outlook on your computer. Click “Outlook” in the top left of your screen, and choose “Preferences.” Click the “Signatures” button. Click “+” under “Signature Name” and then paste the signature into the signature field to the right by right-clicking and choosing “Paste” or pressing Cmd-V. Click “Save.”
Directions for Macmail
- Start by selecting and copying your generated email signature by pressing Cmd-C/Ctrl-C.
- Go to and sign into your account. Click the settings icon in the top right corner of your window and search for “Signature” in the “Search all settings” field. Click “Email signature.” Paste your new signature in the window by pressing Cmd-C/Ctrl-V. Click “OK” to save.