• Supporting the Illinois Brand in News Writing

    Importance The quality of our news writing influences how external audiences, including news media personnel, view Illinois as a brand and as an institution. Media perception can determine whether and how the university and Illinois research are covered. Target Audience Brand Guidance Highlighting the Brand Pillars: Show, Don’t Tell Tips and Tricks: Avoid hyperbole, exaggeration […]
  • Utilizing the Illinois Brand Personality, Voice and Tone

    Importance The Illinois brand has its own distinctive personality, voice and tone — our strengths and characteristics expressed in human terms. Our brand personality and voice are an extension of our brand pillars: innovation, community, momentum and discovery. They reflect the character of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and help people understand the heart and […]
  • Common Editorial Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

    Importance Communicating in a coherent and consistent manner is important to strengthening the Illinois brand. Our messaging is stronger when we utilize a consistent editorial style. Target Audience Brand Guidance Common Editorial Questions How do we refer to the UNIVERSITY? Do not use UIUC. Do not capitalize “university” when it is used on its own. […]